Tailored successfully launched the federal medical program “Competitive Medicine” in several regions of the country
Today there is a complicated situation in Russian healthcare, it is connected with a significant reduction in staff, increased workload and requirements for the quality of services provided, the need to maintain the competitiveness of medical organizations. In this regard, there was an urgent need to improve the quality of staff development and training in key business competencies, which will allow to solve more complex and important tasks for Russian society with less human resources .
After semi-annual testing and preparation, Tailored successfully launched a short-term training workshop in the Central and Ural regions of Russia. Tailored program “Competitive medicine” represents a 5-modular variant training complex for improving the business skills of doctors, administrative and senior medical staff, which will maximize the use of medicine in the medicine accumulated by Russian and European businesses. he program is designed to help Russian medicine to be closer to European standards of service, management, communication and work with clients, patients and counterparts. That is what the Russian medicine lacks the most according to numerous surveys.
Feedback from participants:
“We have never learned this! Extremely useful information “;
“Already started to apply. It expands the possibilities”;
“Practical tools that are really applicable to us and skillfully fixed skills!”