November 29 was held the second meeting on motivation, compensation and benefits. For the first time it was held in the format of MOTIVATIONAL CLUB organized by Tailored in cooperation with the EMG-Professionals. The host of the Club was “PARK INN BY RADISSON PULKOVSKAYA”.
Within the framework of the meeting, Yulia Kirsanova (GAZPROMNEFT) gave a colorful speech and told about the GRADE SYSTEM and best practices of Gazprom Neft in this. She also resented the case for group discussion. The second speech “EFFECTIVE PROLONGATION FROM INTRODUCED BENEFIT” was presented by experts from EMG PROFESSIONAL. It was based on a survey of specialists in personnel and candidates. The moderator of the event was TAILORED.
Heads of personnel services and experts on compensation and benefits of such companies as International Paper, OJSC Ilim Group, Baltiyskaya Zhemchuzhina, Pratt & Whitney-Rus, Lenta, GC Eurosib, Silovye Mashiny, Prisma, Vozdushnye Vorota Severnoy Stolitsy, Orkla Brands Russia, GC Alidi, Tikkurilla, Kirov Factory, Heinz Russia, Gazprom Neft, Unilever and many other market leaders.