Vasily Klyuchevsky once said: «Truly purpose of charity is not in doing good, but in absence of necessity in charity». Sadly we have that necessity so far. That’s why we are trying to help those who had difficult start of their lives and those who has troubles with realizing their big, but unobvious for others, potential.
Inclusive program «Day of Inclusion and Kindventures»
Tailored in collaboration with family inclusive center Adain Lo created gratuitous event, aimed at forming a culture of communication, mutual understanding and respect for each other. We invite you to take part in a special project of creating a culture of effective and positive interaction, understanding and communication in your company or community of like-minded people.
Our event includes unique mini-trainings, theater and art master-classes and workshops, physical activities and seminars to discuss important topics, a lot of fun creativity in a comfortable and thoughtful atmosphere, under the guidance of facilitators and specialists with many years of experience, developers of this product.

The purpose of the event is to introduce participants to the "accepting", inclusive environment, to show the importance, value and reality of its existence. The event is aimed both at groups of adult participants, and at mixed parent-child groups. Our program is adapted in such a way that all participants and their families can be and communicate together, have fun and be accepted into joint activities. The hosts have great experience of including children and adults with various cultural characteristics, attitudes, lifestyles and activities in classes and free play. It is very important for us that each participant finds his place and application to his talents in the general activity, regardless of differences in age or characteristics of health and behavior.
«Day of inclusion and kindventures» — is great opportunity to better understand ourselves and others, to feel the community, value and acceptance of our diversity, to deeply feel the attention to ourselves and others. The event can be held at your venue, at the site of our center or at another venue of your choice. All employees of your company and their families or part of the company's employees can take part in the event. At your request, we can also unite the teams of several companies and enterprises in this event. We will be glad to meet with you and tell you more about our project!
Let's change the world together! Download the presentation (Rus, .PDF, 2,86 MB).

The project of supporting the biggest orphanage in russia for children with disabilities.
Our experience in charity project with biggest orphanage-boarding school in Russia (№ 4 in Pavlovsk) has started in 2003 year and continues nowadays. Our program has received excellent reviews and Tailored decided to roll over this project in the future. Moreover, a number of our Clients and Partners expressed their desire to join the project and to do joint programs with us, to attract and select volunteers.
Participants' feedback:
«It was easy to perceive the information. Everyone were included in the work. I got specific tools …»;
«I was accepted as I am, without any judgments of my actions»;
«I tried walking in other’s shoes, got very interesting information, and realised that I have to work on myself»